FAQ Renewable Energies Act - EEG

1. Market values

Is there a fixed date for the publication of market values?

The market values are published by the end of the 10th working day of the following month in accordance with EEG, Annex 1 No. 3.2. In consideration of possible follow-up processes, we endeavor to publish the market values by the third working day of the following month.

How are the market values determined by the TSOs?

The calculation of market values is clearly defined by the provisions of Annex 1 of the EEG. The market values determined are thoroughly checked by the experts of the four TSOs and approved for publication. Identical market values are not an error but a special statistical case.

Is it possible to (automatically) download the market values?

An automated download option for the monthly and annual market values is available via the API. The market values can still be downloaded as a csv file here.

When will the annual market value of solar MW be published?

The annual market value of solar MW is determined and published for the respective year in January of the following year in accordance with the calculation pursuant to Section 73 (3) EEG.

2. Time series / projections

Why is there a difference between the values for the wind energy extrapolation on netztransparenz.de/menu item "Market premium" and the values for wind energy on other platforms?

When publishing the online extrapolation of the actual values for onshore wind energy, the data for the years up to and including 2014 refers to the total electricity feed-in generated nationwide and marketed by the TSOs or direct marketers. For data from January 2015 onwards, the extrapolation in accordance with Annex 1 No. 3.1 EEG is published here. Reductions in the feed-in capacities of the installations on which the extrapolation is based are therefore not taken into account in the extrapolation. A comparison with the figures prior to 2015 or a comparison with values on other platforms is therefore only possible to a limited extent and taking into account the different calculation specifications from the respective underlying EEG.

Is there any further information from the TSOs on the calculation methodology of the market premium projections?

The TSOs calculate the online projections in accordance with No. 5.1 of Annex 1 to the EEG from a representative number of measured reference plants. Reductions in the feed-in capacities of the reference plants on which the extrapolation is based are accordingly not taken into account in the extrapolation. For legal reasons, we are unfortunately unable to provide further details.

Is the feed-in profile of the market premium projections comparable with the actual feed-in of all RE plants feeding into the grid in Germany?

According to No. 5.1 of Annex 1 to the EEG, the feed-in profile of the online extrapolation does not reflect the reductions in feed-in capacity, i.e. the assumption is made as if the RE installations were feeding in fully without reduction. This means that the feed-in profile virtually corresponds to the actual feed-in of all RE plants plus the reductions in feed-in capacity.

3. EEG levy

Why is there no data on the level of the EEG surcharge before 2010?

There was no EEG surcharge before 2010. The EEG costs were partly included in the electricity distribution prices and partly in the grid charges (see EEG 2004). It was only in connection with the amendment of the EEG rollover mechanism (abolition of the physical rollover of EEG electricity to the distributors) in 2009 and the Equalization Mechanism Ordinance (AusglMechV) that an EEG surcharge was calculated for the first time in 2009 and levied from 2010. You can find more information on the EEG rollover mechanism here.

4. EEG account balance

When will the EEG account balance be published?

The nationwide EEG account balance is published monthly by the end of the 10th working day of the following month in accordance with Section 3 (2) of the Renewable Energy Sources Implementation Ordinance. In consideration of possible follow-up processes, we endeavor to publish the EEG account balance by the seventh working day of the following month.

What are the special features of the monthly EEG account balances?

Significant special features or one-off effects that have an impact on the EEG account balance are summarized in a separate file and can be accessed on the EEG account overview page.

5. EEG system key / determination of system type

Where can I find information on EEG system codes?

First of all, a distinction must be made between the BNetzA system number and the EEG system code. The system number is assigned by the BNetzA when the EEG system is registered. This is mandatory for new installations that are commissioned after 01.08.2014.

The EEG system code is assigned by the grid operator responsible for acceptance and remuneration (avNB). Further information on this, including the coding method, can be found in the section Implementation aids for the EEG directly on the grid transparency page (Implementation aid for grid operators) or in the BDEW implementation aid for the EEG under the heading Energy > Implementation aids EEG / KWK-G.

Furthermore, we would like to refer to the legal regulations according to § 61 EEG and §74 EEG on the subject of self-supply, which may need to be taken into account.

Is it possible to determine the system type (e.g. ground-mounted PV system) based on the data published by the TSOs?

Using the data published by the transmission system operators (TSOs), it is possible to find out the type of system (e.g. ground-mounted PV). This can be done using the transaction data published on the websites of the individual TSOs as part of the EEG annual statements. This shows the remuneration category, the quantity and the remuneration for each system key, which you can also find in the system master data. You can use the remuneration category to filter out the type of installation (e.g. positions 1-2 of the remuneration category key: So = ground-mounted solar energy installations).

An explanation of the remuneration category codes can be found in the EEG remuneration category table published on this page under the heading Processing instructions and implementation aids. In this file, the remuneration category codes are explained in the "Explanations" sheet (e.g. line 159/218/285 for solar open space).

6. Annual statements / asset master and transaction data

Where and when will the TSOs publish the movement data of the RE plants?

The transaction data is published as part of the EEG annual statement (after 30.06. of the year following the feed-in) at www.netztransparenz.de under the menu item EEG/Annual statements. The master data is also published on the websites of the individual TSOs.

Is it possible to have "old" data from EEG annual statements from previous years made available in electronic form?

The data from the EEG annual statement is published annually in accordance with Section 77 of the EEG and kept available until the end of the following year. Unfortunately, it is not possible to provide data beyond this legal requirement for legal reasons. We ask for your understanding in this regard.

7. EEG direct marketing

Is there a fixed date for the publication of the EEG system master data with information on monthly direct marketing in accordance with Section 33b EEG?

The publication of the EEG system master data with information on monthly direct marketing in accordance with Section 33b EEG takes place by the end of the third working day of the forecast month to ensure that all updates from the distribution system operators from the previous month can be taken into account.