Levy according to Section 18 AbLaV for the year 2021

Providers of disposal capacity from disposable loads shall receive remuneration for the provision of the disposal capacity for the agreed period (capacity price) and for each call-off of the disposal capacity (energy price) if they have undertaken in agreements with transmission system operators to provide services that meet the requirements of this Ordinance.

Pursuant to Section 18 AbLaV, transmission system operators are obliged to offset their payments and expenses in accordance with this Ordinance by means of a financial settlement. The fees are offset in accordance with Sections 26, 28 and 30 of the German Combined Heat and Power Generation Act (KWKG), as amended. The levy specified below applies to the total final consumption per point of delivery.

The levy for disposable loads has been charged to end consumers since 01.01.2014. The levy for 2021 was calculated on the basis of the forecast costs for 2021 including the offsetting of a catch-up from the 2019 annual statement including interest. The cost basis was agreed with the regulatory authority (Federal Network Agency).

A summary of the above data results in an AbLaV levy of 0.009 ct/kWh on non-privileged final consumption from 01.01.2021.

Further information on the calculation of the AbLaV levy can be found in the attached document.

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