Market value overview

In the overview below, the transmission system operators summarize the market values calculated on a monthly basis.  

For details on the calculation, please refer to the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) valid for the performance period, taking into account any transitional provisions.

Information: We are legally obliged to publish the market values by the end of the tenth working day of the following month (Annex 1 (to Section 23a EEG) No. 5.2). However, we make every effort to do this much earlier.

Negative spot market price

A negative spot market price on the electricity exchange means that the price of electricity is significantly reduced due to an oversupply of electricity on the day-ahead market and can even reach negative values.


In accordance with Section 51 of the EEG, if there are ≥ 4 consecutive hours with a negative spot market price, the entitlement to remuneration for installations commissioned on or after 01.01.2021 no longer applies. You can find a detailed overview of the periods here.

In accordance with Section 51 RES 2017, the entitlement to remuneration for installations with a negative spot market price for ≥ 6 consecutive hours lapses for installations commissioned from 01.01.2016. A detailed overview of the periods can be found here.

Pursuant to Section 9 InnAusV, the entitlement to remuneration for installations with an award in the innovation tender lapses for ≥ 1 consecutive hours with a negative spot market price. A detailed overview of the periods can be found here.

Current note:

Due to a large number of inquiries, we would like to point out that the spot market price used for the publication of market values is calculated in accordance with the definition in Section 3 No. 42a EEG and does not have to be identical to the individual prices of the electricity exchanges. Details can be found under Renewable energies and levies > EEG > Transparency requirements > Market premium > Spot market price according to § 3 No. 42a EEG. In particular, there are deviations in cases of decoupling of the markets, as took place on 26.06.2024 for the German market area.

Monthly market values (MW) in accordance with Annex 1 (to Section 23a EEG) No. 5.2

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MW – Monatsmarktwert

PM – Wert, um den der anzulegende Wert zur Berechnung der Marktprämie nach § 100 Abs. 2 Nr. 10d EEG  zu erhöhen ist (entsprechend der Managementprämie nach EEG 2012). Wird ab 2021 nicht mehr angezeigt, ist darüber hinaus ggf. bei der Berechnung der Marktprämie für Altanlagen entsprechend der jeweils gültigen, gesetzlichen Regelung zu berücksichtigen.

RW – Referenzmarktwert (nur bis März 2015)

Jahresmarktwerte (JW) gemäß Anlage 1 (zu § 23a) Nr. 5.3 zum EEG

Alle Werte in ct/kWh2024
JW 7.946
JW Wind an Land 6.293
JW Wind auf See 6.777
JW Solar 4.624


For electricity from subsidized plants for which an entitlement to feed-in tariffs is claimed, the value that the transmission system operators have determined as the cost of marketing this electricity must be deducted. You can find the deduction amount valid for the relevant year under Subsidized installations.

Tatsächlicher Jahresmittelwert des Marktwerts für Strom aus solarer Strahlungsenergie (MWSolar(a)) gemäß § 33 EEG 2012

Der MWSolar(a) beträgt entsprechend der Berechnung nach § 33 EEG 2012

für das Jahr 2012 4,495 ct/kWh,

für das Jahr 2013 3,936 ct/kWh,

für das Jahr 2014 3,333 ct/kWh, 

für das Jahr 2015 3,171 ct/kWh,

für das Jahr 2016 2,952 ct/kWh,

für das Jahr 2017 3,474 ct/kWh,

für das Jahr 2018 4,515 ct/kWh,

für das Jahr 2019 3,776 ct/kWh,

für das Jahr 2020 2,879 ct/kWh,

für das Jahr 2021 9,562 ct/kWh,

für das Jahr 2022 20,806 ct/kWh,

für das Jahr 2023 8,003 ct/kWh.