Forward Capacity Allocation

The FCA Regulation of September 26, 2016 establishing a Guideline on Forward Capacity Allocation (FCA Regulation for short) entered into force on October 17, 2016 and supplements the provisions of the CACM Regulation on the allocation of capacity across bidding zones to include the long-term timeframes. Accordingly, the entry into force of the FCA Regulation expands some of the methods already developed under the CACM Regulation to include regulations for long-term capacity allocation before the day-ahead time period.

The regulation contains numerous obligations for the European transmission system operators to create various methodologies and processes. The methodologies to be implemented by the five German TSOs at national level and as part of regional or Europe-wide initiatives are published on the website of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E).

All methodologies developed by the European transmission system operators under the FCA Regulation must be approved by the respective national regulatory authorities (in Germany this is the Federal Network Agency) or by the European regulatory authority ACER. These approvals are published on the two linked pages.