Requirements for the connection of electrolyser facilities

Here you can find the requirements of the four transmission system operators for the grid connection of electrolysis facilities.

The German government's targets envisage an expansion of electrolysis plants in the order of several hundred megawatts to several gigawatts of demand capacity over the next few years. According to the coalition agreement of the German government, domestic generation potential is to be doubled to around 10 GW of electrolyser capacity by 2030 compared to the previous hydrogen strategy. In addition, the transmission system operators assume a capacity of between 16 and 20 GW in 2037 and 36 to 40 GW in 2045 in the draft scenario framework of the national grid development plan for electricity (NEP 2023). The German Federal Network Agency assumes a higher capacity in all scenarios.

In order to ensure reliable grid operation and rapid expansion of electrolysis capacities, technical requirements for connection to the German high and extra-high voltage grid must be met.

The transmission system operators have formulated a consolidated position on these basic requirements for electrolysis plants, which will be needed in the future to ensure system stability.

The document does not currently contain any details on the verification of the formulated requirements. The proofs will be added in a later version.


Technical requirements for the connection of electrolyser facilities