Information event for potential participants on 19.01.2024

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The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA), BMWK and four transmission system operators (TSOs) would like to inform about a joint online information event that will be offered on Friday 19.01.2024 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on the introduction of "Use instead of curtail" in accordance with §13k of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG).

The aim of the information event is to exchange information with potential participants regarding the regulatory framework and implementation planning for the regulation. The BNetzA and TSOs are interested in gaining concrete insights into the views of potential participants in order to better assess the effects of the instrument and appropriately incorporate them into  the upcoming implementation steps.

For concrete planning purposes, participants are requested to register and provide feedback on substantive suggestions by 12.01.2024 using the TSOs' contact form on "Use instead of curtail" and select the topic "Nutzen statt Abregeln". You will receive further event information after registration.

You can contact the BNetzA via the e-mail address


The featured presentation is available for download as a PDF: